Top "Maven-jetty-plugin" questions

maven-jetty-plugin is a Maven plug-in which embeds the Jetty webserver within a Maven build.

Configure logging for Jetty's maven plugin?

I'm invoking the "jetty:run" goal with the following plugin configuration: <plugin> <groupId>org.mortbay.jetty&…

jetty slf4j maven-jetty-plugin
hot deploy in embedded jetty

I have a Spring Roo project and I use mvn jetty:run to run my app. The only problem is …

maven-2 jetty spring-roo maven-jetty-plugin hotdeploy
JSF welcome file is not recognized

Accessing http://localhost:8080/basicSetup/faces/index.xhtml works, with the output of : Hello World ! Albert Kam but accessing http://localhost:8080/…

servlets jsf-2 jetty maven-jetty-plugin
jetty-env.xml with DataSource leads to failing WebAppContext on mvn jetty:run

I have a really simple webapp project with maven and jetty that has been working very well until now. But …

mysql jetty jndi maven-jetty-plugin
Using Jetty's proxy in standalone Jetty application

I'm investigating using Jetty 9 as a proxy, using standalone Jetty, not embedded Jetty. I've looked for help in many places: …

proxy jetty maven-jetty-plugin jetty-9
How to: Run maven integration tests against a test environment (database)

I'm using maven and the maven-failsafe-plugin to start up jetty during the integration-test lifecycle phase. I then execute a number …

java maven integration-testing surefire maven-jetty-plugin
Possible to run two webapps at once when developing with Maven/Eclipse?

Here's the problem: we build webapps for clients. We also have an "admin" webapp that modifies some client data structures. …

java web-applications maven maven-jetty-plugin
Jetty startup delay due to scanning

Context and setup information: Jetty 9 with the eclipse jetty plugin Spring 4.1.1.RELEASE with Spring Security 3.2.3 Spring Java Configuration (no web.…

spring spring-security jetty maven-jetty-plugin jetty-9
mvn jetty:run throwing invalid entry size

Im trying to run a pretty basic project (its basicly a wireframe with no functionality at all, just some maven …

maven maven-jetty-plugin
Jetty Maven Plugin is ignoring custom webdefault.xml

I'm trying to get around the common issue of Jetty locking static files on Windows with the technique of setting …

windows jetty maven-plugin maven-3 maven-jetty-plugin