Top "Maven-cobertura-plugin" questions

This tag is for questions related to the maven plugin that executes the Cobertura code coverage utility.

Failed to execute goal org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin: 3.2:sonar

Can anyone help me in getting solution for the below error. Below are the version of the components to configure …

sonarqube sonar-runner maven-cobertura-plugin
cobertura-maven-plugin with Java 8

Is it just me or the cobertura-maven-plugin doesn't work with java 8? when it runs I get [INFO] --- cobertura-maven-plugin:2.6:instrument (…

java maven cobertura maven-cobertura-plugin
Code Coverage: Cobertura and SonarQube 5.3 Maven Integration

We are migrating all the project from ANT to MAVEN as part of Continuous Integration. We are using JaCoCo for …

maven-3 code-coverage cobertura sonarqube5.3 maven-cobertura-plugin