Top "Maven-clean-plugin" questions

Maven Building Error

When I try to run mvn clean package I am getting the following error Downloading:…

java maven maven-2 ycsb maven-clean-plugin
Maven Run Error "maven-clean-plugin:2.5 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved"

Using İntelliJIdea, I Downloaded my project from Subversion for 12 times. Deleted .m2/repository for 7-8 times. Reimported, downloaded source for 15 …

java maven svn intellij-idea maven-clean-plugin
Remove directory with maven-clean-plugin

Can I delete directory with maven-clean-plugin? The following configuration deletes files from the given directory but the directory itself will …

java maven maven-clean-plugin
Maven clean failing to delete files

Attempting to configure the maven clean plugin to remove additional directories in my project but it is not working properly. …

java maven maven-clean-plugin
Maven Clean: excluding directory inside target from being deleted

I have tried many variants but could not make this work. One example (child pom.xml): <plugin> <…

maven maven-clean-plugin