Top "Maven-assembly-plugin" questions

The Assembly Plugin for Maven is primarily intended to allow users to aggregate the project output along with its dependencies, modules, site documentation, and other files into a single distributable archive.

Maven Shade Plugin to produce two Jars

Till now I was using maven assembly plugin to generate two JARs for each artifact - compiled sources and dependencies …

maven maven-assembly-plugin maven-shade-plugin
How can I force maven to package my project against 1.5?

I am trying to compile a maven project, the source code uses Generics and other featuers of Java 1.5, thus causing …

java maven-2 maven-assembly-plugin
How to create a single library jar from maven project with multiple submodules?

I have a quite large java maven project with over 200 modules, it is OK as is. I am trying to …

java maven jar maven-assembly-plugin maven-dependency
Maven: how to specify which assembly plugin execution runs

I have a pom with multiple assembly executions. When I run, e.g. mvn package, it runs all the executions. …

maven maven-3 maven-assembly-plugin
maven assembly throwing stackoverflowerror

Hi denizens of stackoverflow, I am having an issue with maven, specifically with the assembly phase. I have a large …

maven maven-assembly-plugin stack-overflow
maven assembly, avoiding full path in zip file?

I have a multi-module project which contains 2 modules (each with its own pom.xml) and a parent pom.xml pointing …

maven maven-3 maven-assembly-plugin
How to include package.jar with maven-assembly-plugin

I used maven and maven-jar-plugin and maven-assembly-plugin to build a zip of my project including the projects jar and its …

java maven maven-assembly-plugin maven-jar-plugin
Maven assembly-plugin "group id '1377585961' is too big" error

I'm trying to understand why only one (new) MacBookPro in our dev-team, running OS-X 10.10.5, is having a problem completing the …

maven posix maven-assembly-plugin
How to timestamp an output artifact in Maven?

I am trying to find out if Maven has some built-in plug-in that can be used to time-stamp artifacts. I …

maven-2 maven maven-assembly-plugin maven-3
Spring Boot uber jar packaging classes to root instead of BOOT-INF/classes

Hi Spring Boot Experts - I am trying to create a spring boot uber jar that needs to be deployed …

spring maven spring-boot apache-storm maven-assembly-plugin