Avoid javadoc and sources downloading, when using Maven ant Tasks

Esteve Camps picture Esteve Camps · Sep 16, 2010 · Viewed 7.9k times · Source

I'm developing with Maven Ant Tasks support. When asking the repository to download desired libraries, it also downloads javadoc and source for each library. Is there a way to only download library jars?

Actual build.xml:

<artifact:dependencies settingsFile="${maven.settingsFile}" pomRefId="projectPom"
        <remoteRepository refid="remote.repository" />


fgysin picture fgysin · Sep 16, 2010

As far as I know the src and javadoc downloads are off by default. There should be an option in your IDE or whatever tool you use for Maven.

Are your working with Eclipse?
In Eclipse you can find the option here:

Window > Preferences  > Maven

Then tick the checkboxes (or rather untick them) 'Download Artifact Sources/JavaDoc'.