Using Maven ant task to install jar to local repository

Rob McFeely picture Rob McFeely · Jan 11, 2011 · Viewed 11.8k times · Source

At the end of my ant build id like it to call the equivalent of the command line call

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=my.jar -DartifactId=my_project -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true

so that it will add the newly built jar to a maven repository which another project will rely on.

Ive tried using the maven-ant-task and have added the maven-ant-task jar to the ant built project and the following code to the build.xml:

<target name ="minstall" depends="jar">
  <artifact:pom id="maven_install" file="maven_install.xml" />
  <artifact:install file="${out.dir}/my_project.jar">
      <pom refid="maven_install"/>

but seem to be missing something as it wont work for me. To begin with i get the error in the build.xml (ant build file) saying

The prefix "artifact" for element "artifact:pom" is not bound.

What am I doing wrong. I am fairly new to ant?

On a realted question what is the purpose of the associated POM file? I would not normally have a POM in this project as it is an ant build


Raghuram picture Raghuram · Jan 11, 2011

Perhaps maven-ant-task jar is not installed, i.e. not in your ant CLASSPATH. You can follow this instruction for this.