Top "Mathematica-8" questions

For questions specific to version 8.x.x of Wolfram Mathematica, or not applicable to versions 7 or earlier.

Why does Mathematica use an underscore when defining parameters?

For example if I was defining the following function exprod[n_] := Expand[Product[x + i, {i, 1, n}]] Then why is …

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How to generate animated GIF of a Manipulate? 8.0.1

Exporting to animated gif seems to have changed in Mathematica 8.0.1? I normally make animated GIFs of a manipulate by simply …

wolfram-mathematica mathematica-8
Can we show some Dynamics/CDF in PowerPoint or Keynote ?

I want to show some dynamic content in a presentation. However, I am not sure I have time by Thursday …

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Integrating notebooks to Mathematica's documentation center

If you have been using Mathematica for a while you probably have grown attached to the documentation center. There is …

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