How can I programmatically detect whether or not two triangles touch each other, given their vertices on a 2D coordinate plane? This includes touching points or edges, as well as if one triangle is completely inside the other one.
You can prove that the two triangles do not collide by finding an edge (out of the total 6 edges that make up the two triangles) that acts as a separating line where all the vertices of one triangle lie on one side and the vertices of the other triangle lie on the other side. If you can find such an edge then it means that the triangles do not intersect otherwise the triangles are colliding.
Here is a Matlab implementation of the triangle collision function. You can find the theory of the sameside
function here:
function flag = triangle_intersection(P1, P2)
% triangle_test : returns true if the triangles overlap and false otherwise
% P1, P2: a 3 by 2 array (each), describing the vertices of a triangle,
% the first column corresponds to the x coordinates while the second column
% corresponds to the y coordinates
function flag = sameside(p1,p2,a,b)
% sameside : returns true if the p1,p1 lie on same sides of the
% edge ab and false otherwise
p1(3) = 0; p2(3) = 0; a(3) = 0; b(3) = 0;
cp1 = cross(b-a, p1-a);
cp2 = cross(b-a, p2-a);
if(dot(cp1, cp2) >= 0)
flag = true;
flag = false;
% Repeat the vertices for the loop
P1(4:5,:) = P1(1:2,:);
P2(4:5,:) = P2(1:2,:);
flag = true;
% Testing all the edges of P1
for i=1:3
if(~sameside(P1(i,:), P2(1,:), P1(i+1,:), P1(i+2,:)) ...
&& sameside(P2(1,:), P2(2,:), P1(i+1,:), P1(i+2,:)) ...
&& sameside(P2(2,:), P2(3,:), P1(i+1,:), P1(i+2,:)))
flag = false; return;
% Testing all the edges of P2
for i=1:3
if(~sameside(P2(i,:), P1(1,:), P2(i+1,:), P2(i+2,:)) ...
&& sameside(P1(1,:), P1(2,:), P2(i+1,:), P2(i+2,:)) ...
&& sameside(P1(2,:), P1(3,:), P2(i+1,:), P2(i+2,:)))
flag = false; return;