Top "Match" questions

A programming concept about finding results based on some kind of search.

Tail -f - Show last X lines that match a pattern

I'm trying to achieve the equivalent of tail -f -n10 for a matched pattern. At first I thought tail -f …

grep match tail
Why can I compare a String to a &str using if, but not when using match?

I'm trying to implement a function that reads command line arguments and compares them to hard-coded string literals. When I …

string rust match literals
Elasticsearch phrase prefix query on multiple fields

I'm new to ES and I'm trying to build a query that would use phrase_prefix for multiple fields so …

elasticsearch match field
ElasticSearch: How to search for a value in any field, across all types, in one or more indices?

I have two indices my_index_1 and my_index_2. Within these indices, I have the following document types: my_index_1: …

elasticsearch match
PowerShell: Find exact folder name

I'm trying to find a way to return the full path to a given folder. The problem is that my …

powershell directory match exact-match
Search for Binary Pattern in C (Read buffered binary file)

Hey there. I'm trying to write a small program that will read the four following bytes after the last occurrence …

c binary design-patterns match buffered
ruby string match ignore case

I am trying to create a match query which selects text from a string between two words. I can't seem …

ruby regex string case match
antlr match any character except

I have the following deffinition of fragment: fragment CHAR :'a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'\n'|'\t'|'\\'|EOF; …

string char antlr match
how to match one word or another, within a single line, with sed

For this command xwininfo -id 0x8a00004 |grep "Absolute\|Width\|Height" I have this output Absolute upper-left X: 44 Absolute upper-left …

regex sed word match
MongoDB in Go (golang) with mgo: how to use logical operators to query?

I would like to run the following query in golang using mgo in a pipeline. {"key1" : 1, "$or" : [{"key2" : 2}, {"key3" : 2}]} I …

mongodb go match logical-operators mgo