A useful .NET control that allows a user to display and edit values based on the mask defined.
I am new to C# Here i am using masked textbox and set the mask as 00.0. And in database respective …
c# winforms decimal maskedtextboxIn my window application I need masked textbox which accept real decmal numbers. eg. 1) 1.56 2) 22.34 3) 123.34 4) 12312.34 This all value should be valid. …
c# winforms textbox decimal maskedtextboxpublic void Form1_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { // Other initialization code mtxtEmailID.Mask = ".........."; what should be the Mask Type in …
c# regex winforms email-validation maskedtextboxIs there a way to use MaskedTextBox without displaying the PromptChar? I would like to specify a mask to validate …
.net winforms user-interface maskedtextboxI´m using that plugin : https://github.com/plentz/jquery-maskmoney to format my money editor... I tried to use KnockoutJS …
knockout.js maskedtextboxI have a Currency Textbox with a mask. Mask is shown in textbox as --------.-- So user types in …
c# .net winforms textbox maskedtextboxHow can I change masked text box properties for IP address input? For example private void Interneta_savienojums_Load(object …
c# ip maskedtextboxHere's my code: private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { maskedTextBox1.Mask = "*[L]"; maskedTextBox1.MaskInputRejected += new MaskInputRejectedEventHandler(maskedTextBox1_MaskInputRejected); } …
c# winforms maskedtextboxI have a text input field in which I want to insert just numbers, then a comma, and then just …
jquery jquery-plugins maskedtextbox maskedinputDoes anyone have a ready email mask for MaskedTextBox? e.g. [email protected] / [email protected] / aaaa...…
c# textbox maskedtextbox