Top "Marshalling" questions

Marshalling is the process of transforming the memory representation of an object to a data format suitable for storage or transmission

Marshal nested structs into JSON

How do I marshal a nested struct into JSON? I know how to marshal the struct without any nested structs. …

go marshalling
android.os.BadParcelableException: ClassNotFoundException when unmarshalling: exception

The values are getting passed and execution happens properly but i see these being thrown in logcat and i want …

android marshalling parcel
Passing a Structure to C++ API using Marshal.StructureToPtr in C#

I am using API written in C++ in my code (writting in C#). API requires a parameter as Pointer to …

c# struct marshalling
How can I save an object to a file?

I would like to save an object to a file, and then read it from the file easily. As a …

ruby json serialization marshalling yaml
How do I marshal a struct that contains a variable-sized array to C#?

How do I marshal this C++ type? The ABS_DATA structure is used to associate an arbitrarily long data block …

c# .net c++ marshalling
What input will cause golang's json.Marshal to return an error?

From the docs: JSON cannot represent cyclic data structures and Marshal does not handle them. Passing cyclic structures to Marshal …

json go marshalling
"Marshall" or "Marshal"? "Marshalling" or "Marshaling"?

Which one is it in a programming context? Is there a difference? I've seen it both ways and I don't …

terminology marshalling
How to import an XML schema into the "no namespace"

I have a schema here where I am trying to include/import another schema that has no namespace (and this …

xml xsd marshalling jibx
How to marshall and unmarshall a Parcelable to a byte array with help of Parcel?

I want to marshall and unmarshall a Class that implements Parcelable to/from a byte array. I am well aware …

android marshalling unmarshalling parcelable parcel
How to convert an IntPtr back into an object

All, this is a follow up from a previous question here: C# formatting external Dll function parameters Here specifically is …

c# unmanaged marshalling intptr