Top "Mariadb" questions

MariaDB is an open source database server that offers drop-in replacement functionality for MySQL.

How to configure a high-availability cluster of MariaDB and Redis in Mesos or CoreOS

In most tutorials, presentations and demos, only stateless services are presented that are load balanced either via DNS (SkyDNS, skydock, …

docker mariadb coreos mesos marathon
Optimizing mysql my.cnf - memory usage is dangerously high

I have tunet up mysql by following some tips on the internet. but the websites are loading slow and time …

mysql linux performance mariadb database-tuning
Grant privileges on MariaDB

I'm trying to grant privileges for user on MariaDB 10, but I've got an error 1045 [root@lw343 ~]# mysql -u root -p …

sql root mariadb grant mysql-error-1045
mariadb : Relay log write failure

I am currently trying to get a MariaDB 10.2.9 to run as a slave of a mysql 5.5 master but i keep …

mysql mariadb replication slave
Laravel 5.4 gives Wrong COM_STMT_PREPARE response size

I'm working on a website and it worked fine the past month, suddenly yesterday it crashed and says Wrong COM_…

mysql laravel mariadb laravel-5.4 mysql-connector
Error when starting mariadb - no such process

I installed mariadb via homebrew to set up a wordpress enviroment. It is meant to work with laravel valet. I …

mysql wordpress laravel mariadb valet
How to install erpnext on Windows

I have installed ERPNext on Ubuntu, now I have a specific requirement where I want to install it on Windows …

mariadb erp erpnext
Migrating from MySQL to MariaDB and viceversa

I am doing a research regarding migrating from MySQL to MariaDB and viceversa. As it seems, the first part should …

mysql mariadb
MariaDB Warning: 'root@localhost' has both ... The password will be ignored

I have installed MariaDB on Ubuntu LTS 16.04. Then I have run /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation and set a root …

mysql passwords warnings mariadb root
Docker: MariaDB / MySQL startup fails on windows host

I am trying to use official mariadb docker image along with the php-fpm and nginx to run my Symfony 2 app. …

docker mariadb docker-compose