Top "Maps" questions

A map is a visual representation of an area—a symbolic depiction highlighting relationships between elements of that space such as objects, regions, and themes.

Drawing a Circle with a Radius of a Defined Distance in a Map

I am able to plot a map and caption a specific point: library(maps) map("state") text(-80.83,35.19,"Charlotte",cex=.6) …

r geometry maps geographic-distance
I get an error saying socket bind failed for: /var/run/renderd/renderd.sock if i am a regular user else everything works fine?

I am trying to manually build a map server as per instructions on I have configured everything. …

linux apache maps openstreetmap mapnik
Configuring maxExtent and restrictExtent coordinates in OpenLayers

I'm very new to OpenLayers and working with GeoData; as such, I think I have a pretty noob question about …

maps gis openlayers arcgis-js-api
Create interactive webmap with markers in R using Shiny, Leaflet and rCharts

I am trying to create an interactive webmap in R to display storms using Shiny, Leaflet and rCharts (the structure …

r maps leaflet shiny rcharts
NullPointerException from Google maps

I've just recently started to receive a nullpointerexception from Android google maps and I can't figure out what causes it. …

android maps
OpenLayers: disable zooming on double-click

OpenLayers, by default, zooms in when a user double clicks a map. What is the best way to disable this …

javascript maps openlayers
How to center map on marker click to show whole InfoWindow

Ok, by default on marker click, marker is centred on the map. The problem is, that i have high infoView, …

android maps center marker
android maps: how to determine map center after a drag has been completed

Is there a way through the android maps API, where I can detect the map center after pan animation has …

android maps markers
Google Map app fails to open web link on mobile devices

I have this link in a web page:,153.017331 It …

ios mobile browser maps direction
Google Maps Javascript API quota is set to 1

I'm receiving this error when using Maps Javascript API Maps error Apparently, it's because I have exceeded my quota limit; …

api maps limit quota