Top "Map" questions

A dictionary maps keys to values allowing efficient retrieval of values by keys.

Sorted Map Implementation

My Task In my JavaScript code i'm often using objects to "map" keys to values so i can later access …

javascript jquery map underscore.js sortedmap
opencv stereo vision depth map, code does not work

I am studying on stereo vision depth map and I am using the opencv library.I wrote a program to …

c++ opencv map depth
Ajax pass a "Map" object to Spring MVC Controller

It seems like Spring MVC doesn't know how to map a javascript "map" to a Java map object In the …

ajax json spring-mvc map object-object-mapping
Flip map key-value pair

I have a map. I want to flip the key-value so that it not becomes map. So basically the value …

c++ map flip
How to convert from from java.util.Map to a Scala Map

A Java API returns a java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Boolean>;. I would like to …

scala map scala-collections language-interoperability
What's the best depth map generation algorithm?

I'm into a 2D-to-3D application project and I'm looking for a method to produce the depth map of a …

algorithm methods map depth
Scala immutable map, when to go mutable?

My present use case is pretty trivial, either mutable or immutable Map will do the trick. Have a method that …

scala map immutability mutable use-case
Is there a best practice for writing maps literal style in Java?

In short, if you want to write a map of e.g. constants in Java, which in e.g. Python …

java class object map literals
Map() is not defined in Google Chrome

I've been searching for an answer but I'm only getting results regarding the Google maps API. I'm trying to use …

javascript google-chrome map ecmascript-harmony
load std::map from text file

This is a very simple thing, so I want to keep it as simple as it sounds. All I want …

c++ map text-parsing