Top "Map" questions

A dictionary maps keys to values allowing efficient retrieval of values by keys.

What is the difference between std::set and std::map

I'm relatively new to c++ programming and was wondering if someone could help clarify a few questions for me. http://…

c++ map set binary-search-tree
Why doesn't Java ship with a CopyOnWriteMap?

The JDK ships with CopyOnWrite* implementations for Set and List, but none for Map and I've often lamented this fact. …

java collections map concurrency concurrenthashmap
Rotate MapView in Android

I am writing an Android app where one of the features is that the map will rotate according to the …

android google-maps map rotation android-mapview
Scala type mismatch problem (expected Map, found scala.collection.mutable.HashMap)

I am still a newbie Scala programmer, so sorry if this question may look naive, but I searched for a …

scala types map mismatch
How do I write a map literal in C++11?

In Python, I can write a map literal like this: mymap = {"one" : 1, "two" : 2, "three" : 3} How can I do the equivalent …

c++ c++11 map literals
How do you center the MKMapView map visually when a user location is known or changes?

I have read and followed the instructions on How do I zoom an MKMapView to the users current location without …

iphone map mkmapview center userlocation
How does Guava expire entries in its CacheBuilder?

I want to use a CacheBuilder, as recommended here: Java time-based map/cache with expiring keys However I don't understand …

java caching collections map guava
When is a Google Maps API key required?

Recently Google changed it's policy on the use API keys. You're now supposed to no longer need an API key …

javascript api google-maps map api-key
Using an PNG or JPEG for Map with OpenLayers (Scale/Zoom Problem)

I am using an image to display my map with OpenLayers. My JS code looks like this: map = new OpenLayers.…

javascript map openlayers
Get next item in LinkedHashMap?

I have the first key/value pair in a LinkedHashMap, which I get from a loop: for (Entry<String, …

java map linkedhashmap