Top "Malware-detection" questions

Malware detection relates to any form of discovering whether or not a file contains undesired source instructions, that would perform malicious instructions, ranging from stealing information, directing users to unrequested actions, or even damaging the hardware.

How to decompile an APK or DEX file on Android platform?

Is it possible to decompile an APK package or DEX file on Android platform? Are there any tools that can …

android disassembly decompiling malware-detection
How to get rid of eval-base64_decode like PHP virus files?

My site (very large community website) was recently infected with a virus. Every index.php file was changed so that …

php security virus deobfuscation malware-detection
Malware infected sites list(only URL)

I want malware infected sites list (only URL's) any pointers ? Found some but they don't have option to download the …

web-scraping malware malware-detection
Chrome says my website contains malware?

Chrome saying while I am accessing my site, after searching I cleaned my code from the site but chrome still …

google-chrome malware-detection
What is this file in .htaccess?

I am realy wonder why in .htaccess has those code bellow, can tell me what is this code? <Files 403.…

.htaccess malware malware-detection