Top "Mainclass" questions

Maven adding mainClass in pom.xml with the right folder path

I want to get a working jar file with my maven project. The build part is: <build> <…

java xml maven pom.xml mainclass
"Could not find the main class" when double-clicking .jar file

First: I realize that this issue should be quite simple and lots of people seem to have experienced it. However, …

java command-prompt mainclass javaw

I am trying to follow this Apache CXF – JAX-WS – Simple Tutorial but building the downloaded sample (out of the box!) …

java web-services jar mainclass ws-client
Why it could not find the main class?

I have a very simple code: package mygame; public class RunGame { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(…

java exception noclassdeffounderror mainclass