Top "Lstm" questions

Long short-term memory.

How do I mask a loss function in Keras with the TensorFlow backend?

I am trying to implement a sequence-to-sequence task using LSTM by Keras with the TensorFlow backend. The inputs are English …

keras lstm masking loss-function
Understanding Tensorflow LSTM Input shape

I have a dataset X which consists N = 4000 samples, each sample consists of d = 2 features (continuous values) spanning back t = 10 …

python tensorflow regression lstm
How to use multilayered bidirectional LSTM in Tensorflow?

I want to know how to use multilayered bidirectional LSTM in Tensorflow. I have already implemented the contents of bidirectional …

tensorflow lstm recurrent-neural-network bidirectional multi-layer
TensorFlow: Remember LSTM state for next batch (stateful LSTM)

Given a trained LSTM model I want to perform inference for single timesteps, i.e. seq_length = 1 in the example …

python tensorflow lstm recurrent-neural-network stateful
PyTorch Model Training: RuntimeError: cuDNN error: CUDNN_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR

After training a PyTorch model on a GPU for several hours, the program fails with the error RuntimeError: cuDNN error: …

python pytorch lstm reinforcement-learning dqn
What exactly is timestep in an LSTM Model?

I am a newbie to LSTM and RNN as a whole, I've been racking my brain to understand what exactly …

deep-learning lstm recurrent-neural-network timestep
Keras LSTM input dimension setting

I was trying to train a LSTM model using keras but I think I got something wrong here. I got …

python tensorflow deep-learning keras lstm
How do I create padded batches in Tensorflow for tf.train.SequenceExample data using the DataSet API?

For training an LSTM model in Tensorflow, I have structured my data into a tf.train.SequenceExample format and stored …

python tensorflow lstm tensorflow-datasets
How to correctly give inputs to Embedding, LSTM and Linear layers in PyTorch?

I need some clarity on how to correctly prepare inputs for batch-training using different components of the torch.nn module. …

lstm pytorch
How should we pad text sequence in keras using pad_sequences?

I have coded a sequence to sequence learning LSTM in keras myself using the knowledge gained from the web tutorials …

python neural-network keras lstm sequence-to-sequence