Top "Loss-function" questions

Keras custom loss as a function of multiple outputs

I built a custom architecture with keras (a convnet). The network has 4 heads, each outputting a tensor of different size. …

keras deep-learning loss-function
Keras load_model with custom objects doesn't work properly

Setting As already mentioned in the title, I got a problem with my custom loss function, when trying to load …

python machine-learning keras loss-function
How does TensorFlow SparseCategoricalCrossentropy work?

I'm trying to understand this loss function in TensorFlow but I don't get it. It's SparseCategoricalCrossentropy. All other loss functions …

tensorflow machine-learning deep-learning loss-function cross-entropy
Channel wise CrossEntropyLoss for image segmentation in pytorch

I am doing an image segmentation task. There are 7 classes in total so the final outout is a tensor like […

image-segmentation pytorch loss-function cross-entropy semantic-segmentation