Project Lombok is a tool for reducing boilerplate code in Java through annotations and compile time code generation.
I'm using Eclipse with Lombok. The getters and setters are generated properly but they are not visible in class body (…
java eclipse ide getter-setter lombokI often see the following annotations in code: @Getter @Setter public int test = 1; I know I can create getter and …
java annotations getter-setter lombok code-readabilityHow can I use Lombok in conjunction with my @XmlElement tags so that I can unmarshall the object? I have …
java xml unmarshalling lombokI’m trying to integrate QueryDSL, Gradle and Springboot in versions from title. I added annotationProcessors to gradle but Intellij …
spring-boot gradle querydsl lombokTo install Lombok on one of my spring boot project on STS 4 in Windows 10 OS, I did the following steps: …
windows-10 spring-tool-suite lombok spring-tools-4I'm using: spring-boot 2.1.5.RELEASE mapstruct 1.3.0.Final lombok 1.18.8 and I'm trying to map two objects, Model and DTO: DTO ClientDto - …
java lombok mapstructI have started using the Lombok library, and I am unable to figure out the difference between using a wither &…
java builder lombok