To install Lombok on one of my spring boot project on STS 4 in Windows 10 OS, I did the following steps:
Added the lombok gradle dependency to build.gradle:
compile 'org.projectlombok:lombok'
Then to install the jar retrieved from building the above dependancy got a lombok-1.16.16.jar.
To compile the jar did a right click on the jar -> Run as Java application.
Lombok Installer appeared, but couldn't detect the IDE from the drives. So manually tried searching for the .exe file of STS4 (which I couldn't find)
So kindly help me find the .exe file of STS, so as to complete the installation
The Spring Tool Suite 4 by default has a name as SpringToolSuite4 which is the executable file. This file doesn't get detected in the Lombok installer. After googling it for quite a long time, all I could see were results of how to install the same of Mac or Linux. Finally, had to experiment a little. Following is the solution: