Top "Logstash-configuration" questions

Logstash configuration has three main sections - Input, Filter and Output.

logstash check if field exists

I have log files coming in to an ELK stack. I want to copy a field (foo) in order to …

logstash logstash-configuration
Logstash configtest

I ran service logstash configtest but error given was: logstash: unrecognized service I was able to run logstash service individually …

logstash logstash-configuration
Logstash SQL Server Data Import

I want to import data in ElasticSearch using Logstash using JDBC SQL Server as input but I am getting error …

logstash logstash-configuration
Sending data to logstash via tcp

I'm running into some issues sending log data to my logstash instance from a simple java application. For my use …

java tcp logstash logstash-configuration
Logstash config, "if string contains..."

So, let's assume that I have a portion of a log line that looks something like this: GET /restAPI/callMethod1/8675309 …

logstash logstash-grok logstash-configuration
Error: Expected one of #, input, filter, output at line 24, column 1 (byte 528) after "}

I am able to run logstash as: bin/logstash -f /etc/logstash/conf.d/config.json but running logstash as …

logstash logstash-configuration
Logstash expected one of #

I'm currently trying to run Lostash with the following config file: input { stdin { } } output { rabbitmq { exchange => "test_exchange" exchange_…

logstash logstash-configuration
multiple inputs on logstash jdbc

I am using logstash jdbc to keep the things syncd between mysql and elasticsearch. Its working fine for one table. …

jdbc elasticsearch logstash logstash-configuration
Drop log messages containing a specific string

So I have log messages of the format : [INFO] <blah.blah> 2016-06-27 21:41:38,263 some text [INFO] <blah.…

elasticsearch logstash logstash-configuration
Converting date format to YYYY-MM-DD from YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS format in Logstash for nginx error logs

I am having nginx error logs of the below form:- 2015/09/30 22:19:38 [error] 32317#0: *23 [lua] responses.lua:61: handler(): Cassandra error: Error during …

logstash logstash-grok logstash-configuration