Top "Logcat" questions

Logcat is the command to view and filter information from the Android logging system, but more often the name is used as a synonym for the Android logging system itself.

Eclipse Android - Logcat Clearing too Fast

I have been using Eclipse for Android (most up to date version), for a while with no problems with the …

android eclipse logcat
How to copy logcat output to clipboard?

I'm developing android apps in eclipse and how can I get logcat messages to my clipboard?

android eclipse logcat
Write to stdout in JNI Android? Without <android/log.h>

I have changed the HelloJni sample of the android ndk, I want to write something to the stdout. Here is …

android android-ndk java-native-interface logcat stdio
Android logcat: Send log entries from device using email

Scenario I have released a beta version of an Android app to a few friends. Now, I would like to …

android logcat
How to filter multiple words in Android Studio logcat

I want to see just a couple of words in logcat. In other words, just a given tags. I tried …

regex android-studio logcat android-logcat
Android Studio Logcat colors best practice

It is really hard to follow up Android logcat output all in a same color. is there any best practice …

android android-studio intellij-idea ide logcat
Android saving logs on every run for crash report

I'm currently developing an android app. I noticed a very rare error which leeds to a crash of my app. …

android logcat crash-reports android-logcat
Eclipse - Empty Logcat with Android 7

I recently updated my Nexus 9 Tablet to Android 7 Nougat. Since then the Logcat view in Eclipse stoped displaying Logcat messages, …

android eclipse adt logcat android-7.0-nougat
Logcat cannot detect app or package names

I'm using Android Studio (Beta) 0.8.7 and my logcat has been working fine for months. All of a sudden my logcat …

android android-studio logcat android-logcat ddms
Logcat is being "spammed", resulting in "Too much output to process"

Whenever I connect my Samsung Galaxy S5 (running Android 4.4.2) to my computer, the Logcat in Android Studio starts being "spammed" …

android android-studio logcat samsung-mobile android-debug