Top "Logcat" questions

Logcat is the command to view and filter information from the Android logging system, but more often the name is used as a synonym for the Android logging system itself.

How to filter out a tagname in Eclipse LogCat viewer

I have an Android application that "spams" the LogCat and I would like to remove its logcat entries in order …

android eclipse logcat
LogCat Stops Running in Eclipse Needs Restart

Periodically LogCat will stop showing messages even though I am in debug mode. At other times it will display only …

android eclipse logcat
What do GC_FOR_MALLOC, GC_EXPLICIT, and other GC_* mean in Android Logcat?

If you see the Android logs, you may see a lot of those things. What do they mean, knowing those …

android garbage-collection logcat
android - format json string in adb logcat output

For logging purpose, I print out json response string and can see them in android "adb logcat" command. Is there …

android json adb logcat
What enables the Android Eclipse LogCat?

The LogCat window is open. Sometimes LogCat displays Log messages, sometimes it does not, with or without the physical target …

android eclipse logcat
How to run logcat on multiple devices?

How can I run logcat on multiple devices at the same time? "adb logcat" command gives an error: error: more …

android device adb logcat
Android Studio logcat history/buffer size

Does anyone know if there a way to increase the size of the logcat history/buffer in Android Studio? I …

android android-studio logcat
android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException on service start on android

after trying my brand new service on android i get this: i guess is something related to the manifest file …

android service logcat onstart networkonmainthread
modifying .smali files

I reverse engineered some android apks to add some instrumentation for functional testing. I want to know given an smali …

android apk logcat smali