Top "Logarithm" questions

The logarithm of a number is the exponent by which another fixed value, the base, has to be raised to produce that number.

python divide by zero encountered in log - logistic regression

I'm trying to implement a multiclass logistic regression classifier that distinguishes between k different classes. This is my code. import …

python machine-learning logistic-regression logarithm divide-by-zero
What kind of logarithm functions / methods are available in objective-c / cocoa-touch?

I've tried searching for logarithm + objective-c, but all I get is math test pages from teachers, or explanations what a …

objective-c cocoa-touch math logarithm
Very fast approximate Logarithm (natural log) function in C++?

We find various tricks to replace std::sqrt (Timing Square Root) and some for std::exp (Using Faster Exponential Approximation) , …

c++ math logarithm micro-optimization sqrt
jQuery UI Slider logarithmic scale

I'm using this jQuery UI code use for a logarithmic slider: var minVal = 10; var maxVal = 100; $("#slider").slider({ range: true, min: …

javascript jquery jquery-ui slider logarithm
O(n log log n) time complexity

I have a short program here: Given any n: i = 0; while (i < n) { k = 2; while (k < n) { sum += …

algorithm logarithm
Matplotlib - Boxplot calculated on log10 values but shown in logarithmic scale

I think this is a simple question, but I just still can't seem to think of a simple solution. I …

python matplotlib plot boxplot logarithm
C/C++ fastest cmath log operation

I'm trying to calculate logab (and get a floating point back, not an integer). I was planning to do this …

c++ c logarithm math.h cmath
Is there an FFT that uses a logarithmic division of frequency?

Wikipedia's Wavelet article contains this text: The discrete wavelet transform is also less computationally complex, taking O(N) time as …

audio signal-processing fft logarithm
Logarithm function of an arbitrary integer base in C

Is there a function or any other way to calculate in C the logarithm of base x, where x is …

c logarithm
Highcharts - best way to handle and display zero (or negative) values in a line chart series with logarithmic Y axis

In my HighChart line graphs, the series data is being fed from my Ruby on Rails application dynamically. Sometimes the …

jquery highcharts zero logarithm