Top "Log4j" questions

log4j is a popular Java-based logging utility.

Is it worth to use slf4j with log4j2

I am not able to decide whether to use slf4j or not with log4j2. Based on online posts, …

java logging log4j slf4j log4j2
Using Log4J with LogStash

I'm new to LogStash. I have some logs written from a Java application in Log4J. I'm in the process …

log4j logstash
How to disable Spring logging DEBUG messages?

I'm working on a simple desktop app (not webapp). Here is my log4j.rootCategory=INFO, stdout …

java spring log4j slf4j apache-commons-logging
Log SQL queries in project using MyBatis and Spring

In my project i have <bean id="ABCSessionFactory" class="org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionFactoryBean"> <property name="dataSource" ref="…

spring logging log4j mybatis ibatis
How to use AsyncAppender in log4j?

How to use AsyncAppender in log4j in order to write log message to the web service? Should I create …

log4j appender
Log4J2 property substitution - default

I just wonder if there is any way to provide default value for property substitution in LOG4J? I want …

java logging log4j log4j2
Is there a log file analyzer for log4j files?

I am looking for some kind of analyzer tool for log files generated by log4j files. I am looking …

log4j analyzer
Best way to aggregate multiple log files from several servers

I need a simple way to monitor multiple text log files distributed over a number of HP-UX servers. They are …

logging log4j monitoring distributed
Maximum File Size - supported in log4j FileAppender

I have a requirement that I need to store audit information in a TEXT file. I planned to write the …

file file-io log4j log4j2 fileappender
Should be on the classpath?

I'm having some problems putting my file on classpath. I can use it when I'm developing (Eclipse …

java log4j manifest