Top "Lodash" questions

A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, and extras.

How to break _.forEach in lodash?

I can't break _.forEach loop, help me to do that. _.forEach(oIncludedFileMap, function (aIncludedFiles, sKey) { if(aIncludedFiles == null){ break; } });

javascript node.js lodash
React Native: Using lodash debounce

I'm playing around with React Native and lodash's debounce. Using the following code only make it work like a delay …

javascript reactjs react-native lodash
Using lodash to check whether an array has duplicate values

What do you all think would be the best (best can be interpreted as most readable or most performant, your …

javascript lodash
"Count where" in a collection

Using lodash, what would be a good way to count the number of objects in a collection conditionally? Say I …

most efficient way to find average using lodash

I have an array of objects, the number of objects is variable - var people = [{ name: john, job: manager, salary: 2000 }, { …

javascript underscore.js lodash
Lodash sorting object by values, without losing the key

Let's say I have an object: {Derp: 17, Herp: 2, Asd: 5, Foo: 8, Qwe: 12} And I need to sort it by value. What …

sorting key lodash
underscore/lodash unique by multiple properties

I have an array of objects with duplicates and I'm trying to get a unique listing, where uniqueness is defined …

javascript underscore.js unique lodash
Exclude some properties in comparison using isEqual() of lodash

I am using _.isEqual that compares 2 array of objects (ex:10 properties each object), and it is working fine. Now there …

javascript lodash
Flatten array with objects into 1 object

Given input: [{ a: 1 }, { b: 2 }, { c: 3 }] How to return: { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 } For arrays it's not a problem with lodash but …

javascript lodash flatten
Difference between _.forEach and _.forOwn in lodash

What is the difference between these two methods when iterating over an object?

foreach lodash