Top "Lodash" questions

A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, and extras.

Is lodash _.size() faster than JS length property?

The article (link below) suggests that using the length property on a string creates an object reference which unnecessarily slows …

javascript size lodash
lodash - project/transform object into key value array

I'm about to use forOwn to iterate through an object's properties and create an array manually and can't helping thinking …

javascript lodash
Lodash Debounce not debouncing

I'm trying to debounce a function using Lodash, and while it's invoking the function, it doesn't seem to debounce it …

javascript angularjs coffeescript underscore.js lodash
Array of object deep comparison with lodash

I've 2 array of objects that I'd deeply compare with lodash However, I've a prob with it: > var x = [{a:1, …

javascript arrays javascript-objects lodash
lodash orderBy on nested property

I'm using v4.11.0. I would like sort objects based on milliseconds property. Here's the array : [ { "name": "bug12755.xml", "list": "bugs42", "…

Sort items in an array by more than one field with lodash

How can I sort an array of objects by more then one field using lodash. So for an array like …

javascript underscore.js lodash
Can I debounce or throttle a watched <input> in AngularJS using _lodash?

I have the following which does a watch on an <input> field that's bound to $ Every …

javascript angularjs lodash
equivalent of _.pick() but for array in Lo-dash

I have the following collection: var columns = [ { key:'url', width:20, type:'text' }, { key:'title', width:21, type:'text' }, { key:'desc', width:22, …

javascript arrays lodash
Set all Object keys to false

Lets say I have an object filter: { "ID": false, "Name": true, "Role": false, "Sector": true, "Code": false } I want to …

javascript lodash
What's the difference between transform and reduce in lodash

Other than stating "transform is a more powerful alternative to reduce", I can find no documentation of what the differences …

javascript lodash