Top "Location" questions

Location is a specific position in physical space, e.g. a point on the surface of the Earth described using latitude and longitude coordinates.

Confused about java properties file location

I have simple java project with structure: package I have database configuration …

java properties load location
javascript location.hash refreshing in IE

I need to modify the hash, remove it after certain processing takes place so that if the user refreshes they …

javascript hash internet-explorer location reload
NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription warning but i have already added it

While I have already added: NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription I keep receiving this warning: This app has attempted to access privacy-sensitive data without …

ios swift location info.plist userlocation
Difference between LocationRequest setInterval (long millis) and LocationRequest setFastestInterval (long millis)

I am writing my own background location updates for interval of every 5 minutes in android. I would like to know …

android gps location locationmanager
How can I position the window's position on startup to the right side of the user's screen?

I am currently creating a sidebar-like WPF application in C#. When a user starts the application, I would like the …

c# wpf window location sidebar
Specify more than one directory in Web.Config's Location Path element

In my ASP.NET's Web Config file I have the following location elements defined: <location path=""> <system.… path web-config location
Get latitude,longitude from address in Android

I want to get the latitude and longitude of a place from an address. I don't want to get the …

android location coordinates
How to use wmic job get/list in CMD to get process name and location?

I need to get the exact location of a process name that a scheduled job is executing. I want to …

process location cmd jobs wmic
locationManager.getLastKnownLocation() return null

i dont understand why locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER); return the location null. I gave all permission but its reutning …

android geolocation location latitude-longitude
Google Maps API: Getting coordinates of current location iOS

I am currently working with Google Maps API in my project. I am trying to set the default camera/zoom …

ios objective-c google-maps location google-maps-sdk-ios