In computer networking, localhost is the hostname given to the address of the loopback network interface.
I am using Devise :confirmable and :recoverable module to confirm a user and to let him recover his password if …
ruby-on-rails smtp localhost devise actionmailerI have had EasyPHP running on my system, but had to do a clean OS reinstall. Just downloaded and installed …
php localhost easyphpAlthough, there are similar questions, and even good answers, they either don't concern themselves with localhost specifically, or ask about …
openssl localhost ssl-certificate self-signed caIn order to use a module I want to integrate into my application (I am developing locally), I have to …
javascript localhost reactjs webpack webpack-dev-serverIm trying to set up my local environment on my new mac OSX 10.9. I know it has apache already installed, …
macos apache localhost virtualhost httpd.confI've been trying "ssh localhost" on cygwin (I use WIndows 7), but it keeps asking for the password. When I did "…
ssh cygwin localhost public-keyI have a problem with tracking Google Analytics on localhost with Google Tag Manager. I can see on the API …
google-analytics localhost google-tag-managerI have installed a virtual machin with Windows XP using Virtualbox and i want to acces the localhost from it (…
localhost wamp virtual-machine virtualboxI am new to MVC and I just created one MVC4 test project in VS 2010, it runs perectly but the … visual-studio-2010 localhost domain-name