LocalDB is a lightweight deployment option for SQL Server Express Edition with the same features but with a simple installation.
Is it possible to connect to a SQL Server LocalDB using JDBC? It appears that (as of Dec 2011) it was …
sql-server jdbc localdbWe are using Code-first migrations with EF5 on (localdb)\v11.0 (Vstudio 2012) and everything has worked nicely so far. However - …
entity-framework indexing entity-framework-migrations localdbI am having quite a few problems understanding differences between regular SQL Server Express and express Localdb. Before you go …
sql-server visual-studio sql-server-express localdb sql-server-2016-expressI installed Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express localdb on my system. After I created (and started) a Instance (Test) with an …
sql-server jdbc localdbIf I run SQL Server Management Studio, and tell it to connect to (localdb)\v11.0, it knows about every database …
sql-server localdbWe have a Visual Studio 2012 ASP.NET MVC project using Entity Framework 5. There are some unit tests that depend on …
unit-testing mstest visual-studio-2012 entity-framework-5 localdbI am getting this Exception When I am trying to access database from C#. My Connection String is Data Source=(…
localdbVS 2013 MVC5 code first project. I’m working through the ASP.NET Getting Started with EF6 using MVC5 tutorial to …
entity-framework asp.net-mvc-5 entity-framework-migrations localdbI am programming with EF5-code first and want to use LocalDb. How can I change the default location of …
entity-framework localdbI know that using LocalDb is very good and easy for developement, I wonder if it's good idea to use …
c# asp.net sql-server iis localdb