Top "Localdate" questions

LocalDate is part of the java.

taking input using LocalDate

everyone! I am trying to think of a way to get a date input from user using LocalDate. I am …

java localdate dateformatter
java.time.LocalDate not supported in native queries by latest Spring Data/Hibernate?

Problem: Native queries with Spring Data returning dates return java.sql.Date not java.time.LocalDate, despite the setup. Context: …

spring-data spring-data-jpa hibernate-5.x localdate jsr310
Find entity with latest date using Spring Data with MongoDB

Given next object structure: class Foo { @Id String id; LocalDate date; ... } We store these objects in MongoDB. Is there any …

mongodb spring-data spring-data-mongodb localdate
DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE vs DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd") in Java 8+

I have a date I’ve created using"+2:00")).minusDays(5). Now I want to format it as …

java date-formatting java-time iso8601 localdate
Unknown pattern letter: T - Parse string date with pattern T to LocalDateTime

I need to parse the following date format in String to Java LocalDateTime. So I get date as String like …

java localdate date