Top "Lnk" questions

Use this tag for questions about Windows .lnk files representing Shortcuts (or Shell Links).

Creating a file shortcut (.lnk)

I have been looking for a simple way to create a shortcut to a file in C#, but I've only …

c# automation shortcut lnk
c++ LNK2001: unresolved external symbol problem

Greetings. I have searched for a solution, but I think this problem is personal code specific, hence my posting here. …

c++ lnk
Bat file to create a Windows 7 shortcut.lnk on my desktop

How can I create a bat or vbs file to create a Windows 7 compatible desktop shortcut? I need the bat …

windows-7 vbscript batch-file desktop-shortcut lnk
Windows shortcut (.lnk) parser in Java?

I'm currently using Win32ShellFolderManager2 and ShellFolder.getLinkLocation to resolve windows shortcuts in Java. Unfortunately, if the Java program is …

java windows windows-vista shortcuts lnk
Reading the target of a .lnk file in Python?

I'm trying to read the target file/directory of a shortcut (.lnk) file from Python. Is there a headache-free way …

python directory shortcut target lnk
How can I change icons for existing URL shortcuts using Powershell?

I am wanting to change the icon for an existing shortcut using Powershell. I played around with it but I …

powershell icons shortcuts lnk