Top "Listdir" questions

The method listdir() returns a list containing the names of the entries in the directory given by path.

Non-alphanumeric list order from os.listdir()

I often use python to process directories of data. Recently, I have noticed that the default order of the lists …

python list directory-listing listdir
Error while using listdir in Python

I'm trying to get the list of files in a particular directory and count the number of files in the …

python file directory listdir
make os.listdir() list complete paths

Consider the following piece of code: files = sorted(os.listdir('dumps'), key=os.path.getctime) The objective is to sort …

python os.path listdir
Python newest file in a directory

I am working on a script where I am trying to list the newest file ending with .xls. It should …

python file directory listdir
os.path.isfile() doesn't work. Why?

I'm trying to do this: import os [x for x in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(x)] […

python listdir
NameError: name 'os' is not defined -- os.listdir error when printing all the files in a folder

New to python and getting an error on this very simple script: from os import listdir all_files = os.listdir("/…

python listdir
Order in which files are read using os.listdir?

When performing the following code, is there an order in which Python loops through files in the provided directory? Is …

python for-loop listdir