Top "Lis" questions

The longest increasing subsequence problem is to find a subsequence of a given sequence in which the subsequence's elements are in sorted order, lowest to highest, and in which the subsequence is as long as possible.

How to determine the longest increasing subsequence using dynamic programming?

I have a set of integers. I want to find the longest increasing subsequence of that set using dynamic programming.

algorithm computer-science dynamic-programming memoization lis
longest increasing subsequence(O(nlogn))

LIS:wikipedia There is one thing that I can't understand: why is X[M[i]] a non-decreasing sequence?

algorithm lis
Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 guest install on Hyper-V 2012 R2 doesn't have appropriate drivers for LIS?

I have recently created a brand new fresh gen 2 virtual machine on hyper-v and installed the recently released ubuntu 14.04 version. …

hyper-v windows-server-2012-r2 ubuntu-14.04 lis
longest nondecreasing subsequence in O(nlgn)

I have the following algorithm which works well I tried explaining it here for myself and …

algorithm lis
Number of all longest increasing subsequences

I'm practicing algorithms and one of my tasks is to count the number of all longest increasing sub-sequences for given 0 &…

algorithm numbers dynamic-programming lis subsequence
Number of Increasing Subsequences of length k

I am trying to understand the algorithm that gives me the number of increasing subsequences of length K in an …

c++ algorithm lis fenwick-tree