Information abound about syslog, but I can't find anything very concise for my interest.
I have a user-created bash script that should log various debug, info, and error messages. I'd like to use syslog. This in Ubuntu Server distribution.
I'm looking for a quick overview only.
that don't get discussed in any man pages that confuse me.With those questions answered I should be able to glean the details from the man pages.
You want the logger(1) utility, available in the bsdutils package.
From the man page:
logger - a shell command interface to the syslog(3) system log module
There's nothing that's essential to configure, just pass the switches you want. E.g.
logger -p -t myprogram "What's up, doc?"
You can now inspect wherever messages go and you will see something like this:
Jul 11 12:46:35 hostname myprogram: What's up, doc?
You only need to worry about logrotate if you need something fancier than this.
As for what log facility to use, I would use daemon for daemon messages and local for most other things. You should consult syslog(3) for the purposes of the different facilities.