XRDP - Connect to the same session (multiple users)

MBDev picture MBDev · Aug 6, 2015 · Viewed 17.2k times · Source

I'm trying to setup a rdp server, but I have some problems with sessions. Basically the user should connect to the same (existing) session, but I can't find a solution featuring multiple users.

I tried setting the xrdp port to a certain number, but the problem was that every user connected to the same session. Of course user1 should not be able to connect to the session of user2. Setting the port to "ask-1" in the xrdp.ini goes into the right direction, but this can not be a solution because I can't expect the user to keep the port number in mind. Just basic skilled people should use the server.

Moreover I tried to use tightvnc, but I just got the same results.

I hope somebody could help me and solve my first question :)


Yen-Bo Huang picture Yen-Bo Huang · Jul 25, 2017

I would like to copy the instructions from n.m's shared article here.

  • echo mate-session > ~/.xsession
    • We can use other sessions as well. For example, "xfce4-session".
    • Each user has his/her own ".xsession" file.
  • sudo service xrdp restart