Unable to lock chain (Insufficient port permissions)

user2746930 picture user2746930 · Sep 9, 2013 · Viewed 7.9k times · Source

I am new to Linux , and I am trying to install AlteraQuartus 2 WEb Edition and NIOS2 EDS to play with Nios2 Processor.

However , after installing Quartus and when I am trying to execute jtagconfig.

I do not see something like below , even after running /altera/nios2eds/nios2_command_shell.sh

1.)[Nios2 EDS] $ 2.) Unable to lock chain (Insufficient port permissions)

Please Help,


Carl picture Carl · Jul 24, 2014

To check if this is indeed a port permission problem, start the trouble-shooting by running jtagd (the deamon between the Altera tool and the driver) as root. At first, you must make sure that jtagd is not running, since if it is already running as a user, trying to start it as root will have no effect.

$ sudo killall -9 jtagd   # Kill jtagd, ...
$ sudo killall -9 jtagd   # ...and verify jtagd is indeed not running.
jtagd: no process found   # Good, verified.
$ sudo jtagconfig         # Will also start jtagd as root
1) CV SoCKit [2-1]
  02D020DD   5CSEBA6(.|ES)/5CSEMA6/..
  4BA00477   SOCVHPS

If the above is successful, this is indeed a port permission problem. To fix it permanently, try with udev rules, as suggested by @eepp.

(On a side note, jtagd will be started by jtagconfig if not already running, as the same user that started jtagd. Hence @eepps command will work as well, but jtagd should be killed first.)

For further trouble-shooting, running jtagd with some debug command-line options can give useful information:

$ jtagd --foreground --debug
JTAG daemon started
Using config file /etc/jtagd/jtagd.conf
Remote JTAG permitted when password set
Cant bind to TCP port 1309 - exiting

(The above error message is typical if jtagd is already running.)

(Above is taken från http://www.fpga-dev.com/altera-usb-blaster-with-ubuntu/. See that page for more details.)