Top "Linux-kernel" questions

This tag is for questions about the internals of the Linux kernel itself - particularly about writing code that runs within the context of the kernel (like kernel modules or drivers).

Where does output of print in kernel go?

I am debugging a driver for linux (specifically ubuntu server 9.04), and there are several printf statements in the code. Where …

linux ubuntu linux-kernel printk
File I/O in a Linux kernel module

I'm writing a Linux kernel module that needs to open and read files. What's the best way to accomplish that?

file-io linux-kernel kernel-module
What is the difference between a Linux platform driver and normal device driver?

Earlier I had assumed that : Platform driver is for those devices that are on chip. Normal device driver are for …

c linux linux-kernel linux-device-driver
Meaning of PID, PPID and TGID

What does the Linux kernel acronyms PID, PPID, TGID stand for? I stumbled upon them at strace-pids.

linux process linux-kernel pid threadgroup
Direct Memory Access in Linux

I'm trying to access physical memory directly for an embedded Linux project, but I'm not sure how I can best …

linux memory memory-management embedded linux-kernel
How to create a defconfig file from a .config?

I have done make menuconfig for a board defconfig and modified few configurations. When I select save, a new .config …

linux-kernel embedded-linux kbuild archlinux-arm
How to recompile just a single kernel module?

Usually kernel source are stored in /usr/src/linux-2.6.x/. To avoid to recompile the entire kernel if I modify …

linux makefile linux-kernel gnu-make kernel-module
Linux Stack Sizes

I'm looking for a good description of stacks within the linux kernel, but I'm finding it surprisingly difficult to find …

linux linux-kernel linux-device-driver
Tool to visualize the device tree file (dtb) used by the Linux kernel?

I am looking for a tool which can graphically represent the hardware device tree used in linux kernel. I am …

linux linux-kernel arm embedded-linux device-tree
Linux kernel live debugging, how it's done and what tools are used?

What are the most common and why not uncommon methods and tools used to do live debugging on the Linux …

linux debugging linux-kernel kernel