Top "Linqpad" questions

A lightweight code scratchpad for C#/F#/VB and database querying tool that supports both SQL and LINQ.

LinqPad - Convert SQL to Linq command

I recently purchased LINQPad in hopes that it would allow me to convert SQL statements into LINQ statements. Using LINQPad, …

How does LINQ expression syntax work with Include() for eager loading

I have a query below, but I want to perform an Include() to eager load properties. Actions has a navigation …

c# linq entity-framework linqpad
LINQPad [extension] methods

Does anyone have a complete list of LINQPad extension methods and methods, such as .Dump() SubmitChanges()

c# .net entity-framework linq-to-sql linqpad
How do I use the LINQPad Dump() extension method in Visual Studio?

LINQPad is amazing, and particularly useful is the Dump() extension methods which renders objects and structs of almost any type, …

c# linqpad
Make internal classes visible to other assemblies

Is it possible to make internal classes from my assembly visible to other assemblies? I know about the AssemblyInfo file …

c# linqpad internals
Steps for a beginner to run very basic linq to sql query using Linqpad

Trying to learn Linq using LinqPad and getting frustated with how to start on it. Let's say I want to …

c# linq linq-to-sql linqpad
Can I have an incrementing count variable in LINQ?

I want to do something like this: from a in stuff let counter = 0 select new { count = counter++, a.Name }; But …

linq linqpad
Entity framework Include command - Left or inner join?

As I was investigating the difference between Include and Join I found that : If the DB does not include a …

c# linq entity-framework .net-4.0 linqpad
LinqPad Tutorial

Hi I am looking forward to learn Linqpad. Can anybody tell me if there is any e-book or tutorial site …

LINQPad, using multiple datacontexts

I am often comparing data in tables in different databases. These databases do not have the same schema. In TSQL, …

c# linq linq-to-sql datacontext linqpad