Top "Linker-errors" questions

An error received when combining individually compiled object files into executable code.

Duplicate Symbols for Architecture arm64

When I try running my Xcode Project it fails with an error stating that I have duplicate symbols. I looked …

ios objective-c xcode linker-errors
Unresolved external symbol LNK2019

First of all, I know this question is all over this site but I have looked at almost all of …

c++ visual-studio linker linker-errors unresolved-external
Apple Mach -O Linker command failed

After updating my POD install, Xcode sprouted a new issue:

ios xcode xcode6 linker-errors duplicate-symbol
file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (i386)

I got to build static library. I want to use in my iPhone and ipad app. When I try to …

ios iphone xcode ipad linker-errors
Linking files in g++

Recently I have tried to compile a program in g++ (on Ubuntu). Usually i use Dev-C++ (on Windows) and it …

c++ g++ compiler-errors linker-errors
c )make error& link problem: i386:x86-64 architecture of input file, incompatible with i386 output

I have this output with error message when i type "make" in terminal!! gcc test1.o dispatchQueue.o -o test1 …

c makefile compiler-errors linker-errors incompatibletypeerror
CMake linking error (undefined reference to)

I am working with the SSL-Vision software. It has an example client that I've been trying to separate from the …

cmake linker-errors robocup
MPI - error loading shared libraries

The problem I faced has been solved here: Loading shared library in open-mpi/ mpi-run I know not how, setting LD_…

shared-libraries mpi linker-errors
Apple Mach-O Linker Warning "Directory Not Found For Option..."

I simply want to rid of the warnings that pop up like these: ld: warning: directory not found for option …

ios objective-c linker-errors linker-warning
Q_OBJECT throwing 'undefined reference to vtable' error

I'm using Qt Creator 2.0.1 with Qt 4.7.0 (32 bit) on Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit. Consider the following code, which is a minimum to …

c++ qt linker-errors vtable