Top "Libxml2" questions

Software library for parsing XML documents.

'libxml/HTMLparser.h' file not found in ASIHTTPRequest

Possible Duplicate: ASIHTTPRequest; installation issues I've followed the setup tutorial step by step but I get this error: 'libxml/HTMLparser.…

ios objective-c asihttprequest libxml2
Header Search Paths in XCode - Is it possible to set a macro or variables so they're relative to the SDK version?

Update: It appears that a recent XCode update may have changed this macro, please see this Question & Answer for …

iphone xcode header-files libxml2
Can't install python lxml (and libxml2) on windows

I'm trying to install lxml on windows (pip install lxml) but i keep getting following error: ***** Could not find function …

python windows lxml libxml2
How to parse a XML string instead of XML doc in c using libxml2 library

All the examples in libxml2 documentation libxml tutorial are mentioned using external XML files. What if I need to parse …

c xml xml-parsing libxml2
libxml2 missing for nokogiri gem on Windows 8 x64 with Ruby 1.9.3

What I found searching for similar issues was that Nokogiri does not yet have x64 support with Ruby 2.0. However although …

ruby-on-rails ruby windows-8 nokogiri libxml2
PHP, SimpleXML, decoding entities in CDATA

I'm experiencing the following behavior: $xml_string1 = "<person><name><![CDATA[ Someone&#039;s Name ]]>&…

php xml simplexml cdata libxml2
How to install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev on Mac os

I have installed both libxml2 and libxslt with homebrew, but it doesn't want to install libxml2-dev or libxslt-dev: Error: …

python macos pip libxml2
#import <libxml/tree.h> file not found after xcode 6.1 update

I am getting lexical or preprocessor issue i.e file not found after xcode 6.1 update. i have followed below stack …

ios build xcode6 libxml2 gdataxml
Can't install Nokogiri gem, "libxml/parser.h" not found, but its there, why?

I tried to install Nokogiri but I always get an compiling error: checking for libxml/parser.h... *** extconf.rb failed *** …

ruby gem nokogiri libxml2
Error - "gem install rails" - libxml2 is missing

I've been working through the Rails install instructions ( and everything was okay up until …

ruby-on-rails ruby nokogiri libxml2