Software library for parsing XML documents.
I have a source file that I can run via the terminal using gcc source.c -I/usr/include/libxml2 …
c libxml2I am trying to install a copy of PHP 5 to my home directory on the school computer. The problem is …
php libxml2I have searched the net and the consensus seems to be to add ${SDK_DIR}/usr/lib/libxml2 to the …
libxml2 xcode4I am using XML::LibXML, and I simply need to get a count of the nodes specified by an XPath …
perl xpath libxml2I have created an xml like below <Request> <RequestType>Logon</RequestType> <MobileId>23424&…
php xml xsd domdocument libxml2I've been trying to get Nokogiri installed on my computer (Mountain Lion) to use with rspec and capybara, but for …
ruby-on-rails ruby rspec nokogiri libxml2I currently got some errors with libxml2 in my iPhone project. This was working before, after making some changes in …
iphone xcode libxml2I've just updated to OS X Mountain Lion and I'm getting the following when working with rails and terminal. WARNING: …
ruby-on-rails ruby libxml2 homebrew osx-mountain-lionSeems quite a few people have encountered this issue on the official Apple Developer forums, yet didn't find a solution …
libxml2 ios5