Top "Libmysql" questions

Libmysql is a client library for connecting C written application to MySql.

Ruby gem mysql2 install failing

When I try to install the mysql2 gem, it fails with no apparent errors. Does anyone know what to do …

mysql ruby rubygems mysql2 libmysql cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I am trying to run a Rails two app with Ubuntu 10.04 server, sphinx, myql2 version 0.2.7 and percona server 5.5 (Myslql 5.5). mysql2 …

mysql ubuntu mysql2 ruby-on-rails-2 libmysql
EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found

EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found, while installing MySQL-python Could someone advice me on what to do? I did the following …

mysql mysql-python libmysql
Cheapest way to to determine if a MySQL connection is still alive

I have a pool of MySQL connections for a web-based data service. When it starts to service a request, it …

mysql libmysql hdbc
Linux - Dependency not found

I start the instalation, now i receive a error for file dependencies see: root@ca [~/sitebuilder]# rpm -Uhv updates/*.rpm …

linux dependencies centos rpm libmysql
MariaDB server times out client connection after 600 seconds

My MariaDB server is timing out my C++ client (using libmariadb) after 600 seconds (10 minutes) of inactivity, and I'm not sure …

mysql sql database mariadb libmysql
What is difference between libmysqlclient.a and libmysqlclient_r.a?

Which should I use to link for mysqlclient library? What is the difference between them? I can't seem to find …

c++ c libmysql mysql
"version libmysqlclient_18 not defined in file" when loading mysqli extension

I recently switched from mysql 5.5 to mariadb 5.5, however it now seems the php extension for mysqli will not load. I …

php mysql linux centos libmysql