Top "Libjpeg" questions

libjpeg is a widely-used free software library written in C which implements JPEG decoding and encoding functions alongside various utilities for handling JPEG images.

libjpeg decoding to BGR

I am using libjpeg to decode a jpeg image from disk to a memory buffer allocated on the heap. I …

c++ image image-processing jpeg libjpeg
how can i use jpeg_mem_src, jpeg_mem_dest in libjpeg-turbo?

libjpeg8 include are those two functions, but in libjpeg-turbo has the following: //jconfig.h #define JPEG_LIB_VERSION 62 ... //jpeglib.h #…

c++ libjpeg libjpeg-turbo
Fast way to decode JPEG image

I need to decode (unpack into bitmap) pretty small (about 1200 * 1200) JPEG. The problem is I need to do it quickly. …

android c++ android-ndk jpeg libjpeg
Python, PIL and JPEG on Heroku

I have a Django site, hosted on Heroku. One of the models has an image field, that takes uploaded images, …

python heroku python-imaging-library virtualenv libjpeg
How to solve IOError:broken data stream when reading image file?

Im working under Ubuntu 11.04. I'm trying to work with PIL in my Django project. Sadly PIL cannot load my image. …

python django python-imaging-library libjpeg