Top "Libjpeg" questions

libjpeg is a widely-used free software library written in C which implements JPEG decoding and encoding functions alongside various utilities for handling JPEG images.

PIL encoder jpeg not available

Possible Duplicate: pip install PIL -E TICKETS-1 - No JPEG/PNG support I'm working on a picture cropper, and I'm …

python django python-imaging-library libjpeg
How to install libjpeg on OSX?

libjpeg or libjpeg-turbo are requirements for installing Pillow, which is a new requirement for storing images on django. So I …

python macos libjpeg libjpeg-turbo
Compressing IplImage to JPEG using libjpeg in OpenCV

So I have this problem. I have an IplImage that i want to compress to JPEG and do something with …

compression opencv jpeg libjpeg
'jpeglib.h' file not found

I am trying to read a jpg image in c++. I downloaded libjpg as it was suggested at this link …

c++ xcode macos libjpeg
libjpeg API and Reference

I am having trouble finding an API that details functions calls and return values... The headers aren't exactly very clean …

c libjpeg
_imaging C module error in python PIL

I have read the other posts about the notorious _imaging C module error when installing PIL on Mac OS X …

python python-imaging-library libjpeg
PHP Imagick JPEG Optimization

I'm using PHP Imagick to resize images at runtime. The site has an image upload feature and we can't trust …

php jpeg imagick libjpeg image-compression
libjpeg ver. 6b jpeg_stdio_src vs jpeg_mem_src

I am using Libjpeg version 6b. In version 8 they have a nice function to read data out of the memory …

c++ libjpeg
How to compress YUYV raw data to JPEG using libjpeg?

I'm looking for an example of how to save a YUYV format frame to a JPEG file using the libjpeg …

c++ c yuv libjpeg subsampling
Linking the static version of a library instead of the dynamic one

I am trying to use libjpeg in my application. Making the project yields a libjpeg.a in .libs folder. What …

gcc libjpeg