Top "Letters" questions

a character representing one or more of the sounds used in speech; any of the symbols of an alphabet.

Convert Letters & Numbers in a Phone Number to all Numbers (Java)

import java.util.Scanner; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class PhonePadTranslator { private static Scanner input; public static void main(String[] …

java loops numbers phone-number letters
simplest, shortest way to count capital letters in a string with php?

I am looking for the shortest, simplest and most elegant way to count the number of capital letters in a …

php count letters
MySQL - Case-insensitive search

Building my search engine for users to search for three variables $Title, $Text and $Number... How do i make it …

php mysql search letters
How do I get the set of all letters in Java/Clojure?

In Python, I can do this: >>> import string >>> string.letters 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' Is there any …

java clojure character letters
Condense list into string : ['z','y','x'...] -> 'zyx...' ? Python (2.7.1)

If I have list='abcdedcba' and i want: a=z, b=y, c=x, d=w, e=v so it …

python string list translate letters