In Python, I can do this:
>>> import string
>>> string.letters
Is there any way to do something similar in Clojure (apart from copying and pasting the above characters somewhere)? I looked through both the Clojure standard library and the java standard library and couldn't find it.
If you just want Ascii chars,
(map char (concat (range 65 91) (range 97 123)))
will yield,
(\A \B \C \D \E \F \G \H \I \J \K \L \M \N \O \P \Q \R \S \T \U \V \W \X \Y \Z
\a \b \c \d \e \f \g \h \i \j \k \l \m \n \o \p \q \r \s \t \u \v \w \x \y \z)