Top "Ldapconnection" questions

The LdapConnection class creates a TCP/IP or UDP LDAP connection to Microsoft Active Directory Domain Services or an LDAP server.

Binding and Authenticating to an LDAP Server over SSL and TLS

I am writing a simple LDAP client to connect to LDAP sever over SSL. I am using "openldap-2.4.35" So far …

c ldap openldap ldapconnection
Connecting to Active Directory via .NET

I have a virtual machine with Active Directory that I want to connect to using .NET, I've already connected to …

c# windows active-directory virtualbox ldapconnection
LDAP: error code 49 - cannot bind the principalDn

I'm a newbie to ApacheDS.I just created a new partition in ApcheDS. When i try to register my connection …

ldap oracle-aq apacheds ldapconnection