Top "Lag" questions

Lag is a common word meaning to fail to keep up or to fall behind.

Find time shift of two signals using cross correlation

I have two signals which are related to each other and have been captured by two different measurement devices simultaneously. …

python python-2.7 signal-processing lag cross-correlation
Why do multiple setTimeout() calls cause so much lag?

I have a complex animation sequence involving fades and transitions in JavaScript. During this sequence, which consists of four elements …

javascript firefox google-chrome lag
Why does my website scroll slowly, and why are its hover effects laggy? How can I fix this?

So I have this site here which has major performance issues. Scrolling is very slow, hover effects have a bit …

html css performance drupal lag
general lag in time series panel data

I have a dataset akin to this User Date Value A 2012-01-01 4 A 2012-01-02 5 A 2012-01-03 6 A 2012…

r time-series lag
CSS3 box-shadow causes scroll-lag (slow performance) on Safari 5.0.2?

Hey there, this time I have a quite rare issue that's occurring only in Safari 5.0.2. When using CSS3's box-shadow …

safari lag css
AudioTrack lag: obtainBuffer timed out

I'm playing WAVs on my Android phone by loading the file and feeding the bytes into AudioTrack.write() via the …

android audio buffer delay lag
CKEditor smooth setData

I am currently using CKEditor to be able to edit and to view documents in my SQL database. If I …

javascript jquery ckeditor lag
lag to get first non null value since the previous null value

Below is an example of what I'm trying to achieve in a Redshift Database. I have a variable current_value …

sql amazon-redshift lag window-functions
What's the opposite function to lag for an R vector/dataframe?

I have a problem dealing with time series in R. #--------------read data wb = loadWorkbook("Countries_Europe_Prices.xlsx") df = readWorksheet(…

r time-series lag lead
C#: Wait until progressbar finished drawing

Possible Duplicate: Winforms Progress bar Does Not Update (C#) First time asking a question here for me. I'll try to …

c# progress-bar wait lag